Friday, January 19, 2007

Sone thoughts about teaching with technology!

The BBC News website reports the following...

Too much technology in the classroom? by Hannah Goff (link)

"There was a time when teachers stood in front of the class, with chalk poised on the blackboard while pupils scribbled away furiously. Now teachers' presentations have to compete with the expectations raised by the technology children have at home - iPods, Playstations and home computers.

But they do now have their own multimedia technology in the classroom, in the form of interactive white boards (IWBs). These are a virtual one-stop-shop that acts as an overhead projector, television, DVD player, photo album, computer and depending on your software - much, much more."

The article questions the reliability of the boards and dependence on its usage for a effective lesson (i.e. teaching and learning is effective). I know that one does free you need to use it if it has been installed in the classroom. I also know from personal experience that I never fully used all the functionality of the boards.

The next big thing, it appears from attending BETT (Technology Education Show in London) was the use of ipods and podcasting in lessons. Various education gurus are singing the praises of wikis and blogs in education. I think much of this makes sense when you are not examination driven. I have used podcasts in my A Level lessons, but I must admit they were probably not the most effective. I hope I have learnt from my mistakes.
I have been invited to the Innovate Conference hosted by Oundle School, which should again provide some very insteresting information concerning technology in the classroom.

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Maira Gall