Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I like this type of thinking!

Thanks to Hamo for these words - link

"Here’s a first thought that began percolating in my head…

Simon mentioned how we now live in privatopia where everyone occupies their own little piece of suburbia and hides behind the rollerdoor on the garage. Neighbours are much like rare animals - sighting are infrequent and when they do occur people aren’t sure what to do.

Simon writes of the days when the front porch was common - when houses had large front porches so people could hang out the front and connect with each other. When the pace of life was slower and people seemed to value the neighbourhood. I’m too young to know if this romanticised, but I like the concept…

Of course, this has now been replaced with the ‘alfresco’ area in the rear for private entertaining. We live in the back yard rather than the front. Privacy has overtaken any kind of engagement.

I started to wonder…

How would it be if houses began to be designed with huge front verandahs? What if building companies and developers started to re-invent the front porch? Or even more amusing… what if a group of us ‘invaded a suburb’ - the same street even - and built houses with big front verandahs and lived ‘out the front’ quite intentionally."

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Maira Gall