Thursday, February 17, 2005

A Church Worth Staying In

Thanks to Richard Sudworth

Here is a list of characteristics that would keep people in the church:

  • churches that provide space for spiritual development rather than spoon-feeding their members
  • churches that focus on God rather than the minister or the programmes
  • churches that offer authentic community and friendship rather than institutional forms of belonging insipid forms of fellowship
  • churches that engage creatively and senisitively with contemporary culture and social and ethical issues
  • churches that equip their members for the world of work
  • churches that treat adults as adults
  • churches that allow room for dialogue as well as monologue
  • churches that allow doubts, anger and lament as well as joyful certainty
  • churches that are realistic about the rythms and pressures of modern life
  • churches that have a holistic vision rather than a privatised spirituality
This is some great food for thought as I consider the path to take over the next couple of months. Prayer is appreciated!

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© Jongilanga
Maira Gall